*New Product Supplier*
Look for these items and more in our: Sheet Metal Section~!
All Pricing in our Website is in US Dollars
We are Located at 21500 Golf Course Road in Beautiful Hope, British Columbia~!
Ph 604-869-3665 to arrange a visit~!
Many NOS Parts Recently Acquired
As I get time, hundreds of NOS (New Old Stock) items will be posted. Keep your eye open as many NOS parts are scarce and once sold...will be gone forever!
Scout SSII Fiberglass Door Inserts. We have the Moulds and Produce them with the Pebble Grain Finish~! Look in Our Fiberglass Section for more Details~!
Sorry, our fiberglass section is down. We are under-staffed and have a back-log of customers waiting for a set. You can ph or email to get on the wait list, but it might be months or years before we catch up to demand.
We have many other fiberglass items including the Sun Visors, Tailgate Inserts, Wheelwells, Windshield Frames, Rockers, Bumpers, Travel Tops and Quarter panels. Over the Winter Months are will be perfecting our SSII fiberglass Mini Door Insert Doors...Keep an EYE Open for this Item~!

***International of the Month***
John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) "First Blood" filmed here (Hope, B.C.) in 1982
Vintage Decal from the 1960's with Holy Cross Mountain in the background